Assets, Issuance Backing and Non-Resident Investors.
Debentures, Commercial Papers, Promissory Notes, CRIs, CRAs, among others.
Management of Liquid Assets by the institution on behalf of third parties under the terms of pre-established agreements (Project Finance, Green Field, M&A, among others).
Legal, tax, custody and settlement representation for Non-Resident Investors (individuals, corporations, funds or other collective investment entities) residing, headquartered or domiciled abroad and who invest in Brazil.
Payments of corporate debt securities according to the schedule of events within B3 for the issuance of Debentures, CRAs, CRIs, CPR-Fs, Commercial Papers, Promissory Notes, among others.
We carry out the controllership of assets (fund quotas or other securities), with a technical and qualified team, offering an agile, safe and transparent service.
Structured loans (local and foreign currencies) for issuances where it is necessary to monitor the guarantees provided, CPR-Fs, CDAs/Was, Commercial Notes, Promissory Notes, CRIs, CRAs, among others.
Registration of information entered at B3 system in the first issuance of debentures.
Registration of Titles in the B3 system: CDAs/WAS, CDCAs, CPRs, CCIs, NC, NPs, among others.